The Purepecha: Poorest of the Poor

CBS-2 Los Angeles "Women 2 Women"

ABC-7 Los Angeles "Vista L.A"

NBC-4 Los Angeles - News, "Saturday Morning Review"& "Sunday Family Theatre"

KTTV-11 Los Angeles "Signs of the Time"

KCAL-9 Los Angeles - News

KESQ Palm Springs - News & "Community Watch"


KQED Public Radio "The State Report on Multiracial Californians"

UC Opens Can of Worms with Proposed "Multiracial" Label

by Alexandra Cohen


KHON-2 Honolulu, HI - "Que Pasa
PBS-Washington D.C "To The Contrary" Latina Issues


Adelphia Cable TV "Week In Review" - Latinas in Politics

AT&T Broadband Cable TV "One On One" - Latina Community Leaders



La Opinion                                    Hispanic Magazine

L.A. Times' "Nuestro Tiempo"          Hispanic Business Magazine                   

Daily Breeze (Torrance)                 Latina Style Magazine

UCLA Alum Magazine                           Vecinos del Valle (San Fernando)  

Palms Springs Desert News           Venice Magazine


Mija Magazine "Emerging Mijas"

Westside Life Magazine                 Moderna Magazine

IFP West "Member Profile"              SuperOnda's "Real World"


Southwest Airline's "Spirit" Magazine

AV Video Multimedia Producer's Magazine

Kodak's National Newsletter "In Camera"

Chi Omega's National Magazine "The Eleusis"

Leadership America's "American Issues Forum"


I wanted to write a nice article that represents her company well, until I saw her responses to my interview questions and felt that it was best to change the format to simple Q & A. Her responses are just too good, I learned from her answers and I pray you will too!

An award winning writer, producer and director, Cheryl Quintana Leader is founder and president of INDIVISION Productions. Her Latina-owned company is dedicated to producing quality educational and entertainment related projects depicting positive multiracial images in English and Spanish.

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Since founding INDIVISION in 1993, Quintana Leader has used her production ability to create a series of educational films that celebrate the Latino experience in America. One such effort, Tanto Tiempo, won MCA/Universal Television's "Hispanic Film Project" competition and later picked up a CINE Golden Eagle Award as well. 


Though Hispanics are gaining more prominent roles in American life, their representation in movies and television hasn't been keeping up with their growth.  Giving Hispanics a more active rile both in front of and behind the camera is the goal of Cheryl Quintana Leader, President of INDIVISION Productions in Santa Monica, California.  As the producer, director and writer of projects created by her company, she's been successful at giving other Americans a taste of the Hispanic point of view.

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On the move in Culver City's fertile entertainment industry, Cheryl Quintana Leader rises up with a new crop of writers, directors, and producers whose point of view reflects an America lush with diverse hues. As destiny would have it, on my journey to discover what's right with the Westside, I was introduced to this rare energy source at a public speaking engagement for Multicultural Americans of Southern California.  With piercing blue eyes, and the high cheek bones of an ancient Aztec goddess, Quintana Leader moved the audience with the screening of her award-winning short film, "Tanto Tiempo" (So Much Time).

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Everybody's anxious to finish school and get out there in the "Real World," where the chance exists to make all those dreams come true!

Here's the story of an inspiring individual who's working at making her dream come true, in the Real World!

Growing up in the ultra-conservative, suburban community of Torrance, California, Cheryl Quintana Leader did not have much of a chance to explore her cultural heritage. Her mother, a native of Mexico, abided by her non-Latino husband's wishes by keeping her family's stories silent.

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Spanish no longer wins hands down as the language of preference for U.S. Hispanics, and those speaking primarily English take the lead in entertainment spending.

The findings come from a national survey focusing on language preference and consumer expenditures among Hispanics.  Conducted by Hispanic InfoSource in Playa Del Rey, California, and headed by demographer Leo Estrada, the survey polled a representative sample of 6,445 adult Hispanics.  Results show 54 percent of respondents, when given a choice of one of the other, prefer to speak in Spanish; 46 percent prefer English.

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Another independent release, "Tanto Tiempo," winner of the Best Short Film at the Chicago Latino Film Festival and the Gold Apple winner at the National Education Film and Video Festival, tells the powerful story of a young girl, Mia (Carrie Barton/Mandy Avila), who rediscovers the value of her Aztec heritage and brings it and her Mexican...

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Cheryl Quintana Leader, President of INDIVISION in California, recently developed a pilot in English called, "Young Heart Diaries," with an eleven-member cast that focuses on Latino girls ages twelve to fourteen.  The show has a classroom setting, takes place on Saturday afternoons, and the cast members have a Latina Literature Club, where they learn about stories and their culture.

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Many people think their life stories should be made into movies, but few actually do it.

Cheryl Quintana Leader is one who did, and she did it with style.  Her short film, "Tanto Tiempo," tells the story of a young Mexican-American woman and her Mexican mother who abandon their heritage to adapt to an Anglo lifestyle.  Eventually the daughter rediscovers the value of her Aztec ancestry, bringing it and her mother back into her life.  The film won MCA/Universal Television's 1991-92 "Hispanic Film Project" competition.

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More Latinas than ever before are working in Hollywood.  And talented women find that their tenacity in overcoming double barriers pays off in creating images of cultural truth.

An even younger generation of Latina filmmakers includes Mylene Moreno, Ana Rosa Ramos, Paige Martinez, and Cheryl Quintana Leader.  Moreno, a graduate of Harvard and the documentary-film program at Stanford, has co-produced two PBS shows, one on Pancho Villa and a second on Latinos and politics for the 1992 elections.  She also co-produced the first episode of the PBS series "Chicano!," and is now documenting the experiences of a sixteen-year-old Latina wife and mother in El Paso who is expecting her second child.

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June 1994


by Mark Kirby

Chalchiuhtilicue, the Aztec Goddess of the Fourth Sun, was chosen to light and heat the world for 312 years.  Jealous of her position, Tezcatlipoca, the Black God of Night, taunted and tease her, claiming she burned so brightly in order to prevent other gods from approaching her.  In her frustration at these false accusations, she wept, and her tears put out her light and ended her fortuitous reign. from "Tanto Tiempo"

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En muy corto tiempo Cheryl Quintana Leader ha logrado grandes triunfos con Tanto Tiempo, su major produccion, hasta el momento.

Cuando la productora, escritora y directora de Tanto Tiempo habia de esta su obra se le ilumina el rostro, especialmente ahora que esta programada para ser presentada por NBC-TV Canal 4, con motivo de la Semana Nacional de la Herencia Hispana, en setiembre.

"Es la primera vez que Universal tiene una produccion hispana en el aire durante los ocho anos de historia de este programa," dice Quintana Leader con gran orgullo y alegria.

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Cheryl Quintana Leader, hija de madre mexicana, crecio sin escuchar espanol en su casa.  "Mi padre nunca quiso que ella [mi madre] nos ensenara," Mex;ico Quintana Leader.  Ahora la cineaste esta encontrando sus raices en su pelicula "Tanto Tiempo," "una cinta autobiografica sobre el crecer y perder la herencia propia," segun Quintana Leader.  La directora hizo la pelicula trasganar la competencia annual del Hispanic Film Project.

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A group of Latinas in the entertainment industry have recently focused on accomplished Latina women producers, writers, directors and actresses.  Together, these Latinas are members of an organized and support network of thirty-five women.

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